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2020-09-23 14:47:53 +02:00
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2020-10-06 11:31:07 +02:00
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<div class="typed-content""><p>Hi! Following the crisis</p></div>
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<div class="typed-content""><p>Second slide</p></div>
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<h2>You will be exploring the state of Berlin's subcultural networks with us.</h2>
<h3>Hopefully being led through spaces unknown or into the river Spree 🤷.</h3>
<h3>You will be asked to give up your autonomy by choosing to 👠 follow another person and documenting their movement in stealth mode 💊. Please do this respectfully and discreetly.</h3>
<h3>Are you ready?</h3>
<section>Are you ready?</section>
<section>Are you ready?</section>
<section>Are you ready?</section>
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2020-09-23 14:47:53 +02:00